lmao my first malay title too Put, hi5!
so yeah, that Rashdan kid, a so-called aliran arab student totally fished up our lives man
wanna know what he did?
okay here's from what i heard and DONT correct me if im wrong
pada suatu hari, si Rashdan, seekor pig yang berotak udang bagaikan pak pandir telah mencuri kertas soalan geografi
kemudiannya, AS IF THAT WASNT ENOUGH, he stole the damn answers too!
oh dang dah tercampur english XD
balik-balik ke bahasa ibunda, seterusnya, si goblok (sorry thats endon lmao) itu, dengan greedy-nya telah menjual kertas soalan serta jawapan tersebut kepada kelas-kelas belakang
impaknya, akibat nila setitik rosak susu sebelangga!
jadi kami, budak-budak KRK yang so very innocent telah menjadi mangsa
dengan perasaan bagai kaca jatuh ke batunya, kami membuat peperiksaan tersebut ini hari
dan markah saya pula, daripada A menjadi B x.x
bahlol punye rashdan
sebab kau aku dapat B
elok-elok dah aku dapat my first A in geo
kau derhaka pe dengan markah aku ha?! sepak groin kau kang baru tau =.=''
menangis teresak-esak!
MY POINT IS (not really sure i have one)
1-rashdan sucks
2-cikgu azahar is a hypocrite
3-puan basinah is a ketua yang zalim seperti cerita Raja Bersiung dan kami, rakyatnya terpaksa menghadapi sikap ketua yang zalim dan pentingkan diri sendiri tersebut
4-guru-guru tidak elok menyangka murid-murid KAA semuanya baik-baik belaka, mereka hanya indah khabar daripada rupa
with all my heart i hope rashdan dies like how mahyun died in the cerita meniti kaca
tersepit di bawah pokok kelapa AFTER! we put chillies in his pants, like in slumdog millionaire! XD
get it?
obviously from this post, i can tell that im gonna fail BM XD
andand YAY! its vaca tiiiiime
too bad i aint goin nowhere
oh and, why is everyone so sombong =.=?
geez u guys are too damn busy
Sejarah is for depressed losers
When you think about it, its like totally true
and fyi, its like 7.25 am right now and its NOT monday
or tuesday or thursday or ..u get the picture
its a friggin sunday and you must be wondering why im up sooooo early
well im not up early, im sleeping late
actually, im not sleepy at all
just hungray (as usual XD)
so yeah i im blogging just to say that sejarah stinks
dear Kementerian Pelajaran people aka doda's dad lol
reasons to hate history:
1) its racy! or racist? whatever, why cant it be HERstory hm?! what girls arent good enough for ya?! ur so gay man (well not u doda's dad, i know ur married)
2) its for people who have no future or are having a lousy present and thats why they dwell on the past
3) its boooooooooring, unless they talk about cool people from the past then i dont mind liiiike um p.ramlee?
4) i suck at it, like seriously
so like yeah, why are we being forced to do this junk?
its not like we're gonna use this stuff for when we go to work
and fyi, its like 7.25 am right now and its NOT monday
or tuesday or thursday or ..u get the picture
its a friggin sunday and you must be wondering why im up sooooo early
well im not up early, im sleeping late
actually, im not sleepy at all
just hungray (as usual XD)
so yeah i im blogging just to say that sejarah stinks
dear Kementerian Pelajaran people aka doda's dad lol
reasons to hate history:
1) its racy! or racist? whatever, why cant it be HERstory hm?! what girls arent good enough for ya?! ur so gay man (well not u doda's dad, i know ur married)
2) its for people who have no future or are having a lousy present and thats why they dwell on the past
3) its boooooooooring, unless they talk about cool people from the past then i dont mind liiiike um p.ramlee?
4) i suck at it, like seriously
so like yeah, why are we being forced to do this junk?
its not like we're gonna use this stuff for when we go to work
aww aisya is so right :' )

yesterday was the worst
and the night before o.o
i got tensed up over alot of little things
they just combined together and turned me into a big mess
so i might of *coughcriedcough* a little
but i stopped after i saw how ugly i look
god i sound so depressed
well im NOT depressed =.=
just tensed, VERY tensed
the thought of facing PMR and not having a redo finally got to me
so i cracked
i never cracked before over PMR bcause i never really thought about it
unlike puteri
i just live in the present
thats probably why i have no future
man, thats sad
want to know what i did to keep my mind of things?
i googled about sinusitis o.o
im so weird
but apparently i have it
curse dust! =.=
u make my life filled with snot
b0r3d 2 d34th
1. Friend
- ren;
2. Friend
- nunu;
3. Friend
- ami;
4. Friend
- puteri;
5. Friend
- shasha;
6. Friend
- aisya
7. Friend
- ai ling -.-?
8. Friend
- raja
How did you meet 6?
at skewl i guess
Why are you friends with 3?
oh! bcause i liked her hair XD i was 7, give me a break!
Is 7 in a relationship?
DUH, how can u not know that
Have you kissed 1?
dont count on it rin, XD
Have you hugged 4?
i dont know o.o ill hug her later on monday!
Have you done anything sexual with 6?
o.O starting to regret doing this survey
Would 1 and 8 make a good couple?
probably, they go waaay back ;D i think
How long have you know 2?
forever ever ever and ever ever ever
forever on the dance floor
god im starting to sing x.x
Would you ever kiss 7?
do i look gay to u =.=?
Whats a good memory with 5?
hmm, the one thing thats in my head right now is her echoing "without u" =.=
Ever hugged 8?
lol dont think so
Do you love 4?
with all my heart, muahx <3
Is 5 nice?
awwwwww my wittle doda ish an angel!
How did you meet 3?
i told u =.= at school, bcause i liked her hair dammit!
Who makes you laugh?
Who makes you smile?
When was the last time you saw 4?
thursday, i didnt go to skewl on friday O: )
Would 3 and 6 make a cute couple?
so cute! *barfs*
Does 8 love you?
u tell me XD
Do you see 3 a lot?
..unfortunately lol
Describe 4 in 3 words?
-rich $.$
What would you buy 1 for their birthday?
a big bowl of nanas-es to throw at the "real" nanas!
Have you traveled anywhere with 5?
um, oh yeah! to rin's house
Do you have fun with 7?
Is 2 a cool person?
the coolest yo
Who is the loudest?
do i count?
Do any of them get on your nerves sometimes?
yes, "i live with a bunch of drama queens" - Kris Jenner of the Kardashians
Do you know when 6's birthday is?
..crap, pass ^^
What do you really think of 3?
i secretly think she's T.I. o.O
Best memory with 4?
walking along the beach, holding hands, watching the beautiful sunset together
Does 1 even know you?
hope so o.o
Is 5 happy?
too happy sometimes XD
Does 7 live close?
oh yeah, she lives in my pondok now
Do you have any classes with 2?
sadly only PJK :' (
Have you and 3 ever hooked up?
maybe one day ;D
Are you and 8 close?
not anymore, he moved to a new house so now hes close to sufie!
Do you wanna kiss 4?
yuck, blagh, eek, barfs, shits, sure why not
Is 6 a good person?
depends on her mood
Does 2 own a car?
maybe, she has alot of cars!
How did you choose your Top 8?
i tag everyone who has been mentioned in this thing
oh and iman too
if u dont do it, then i dont lap u anymore! XD
*still serious*
- ren;
2. Friend
- nunu;
3. Friend
- ami;
4. Friend
- puteri;
5. Friend
- shasha;
6. Friend
- aisya
7. Friend
- ai ling -.-?
8. Friend
- raja
How did you meet 6?
at skewl i guess
Why are you friends with 3?
oh! bcause i liked her hair XD i was 7, give me a break!
Is 7 in a relationship?
DUH, how can u not know that
Have you kissed 1?
dont count on it rin, XD
Have you hugged 4?
i dont know o.o ill hug her later on monday!
Have you done anything sexual with 6?
o.O starting to regret doing this survey
Would 1 and 8 make a good couple?
probably, they go waaay back ;D i think
How long have you know 2?
forever ever ever and ever ever ever
forever on the dance floor
god im starting to sing x.x
Would you ever kiss 7?
do i look gay to u =.=?
Whats a good memory with 5?
hmm, the one thing thats in my head right now is her echoing "without u" =.=
Ever hugged 8?
lol dont think so
Do you love 4?
with all my heart, muahx <3
Is 5 nice?
awwwwww my wittle doda ish an angel!
How did you meet 3?
i told u =.= at school, bcause i liked her hair dammit!
Who makes you laugh?
Who makes you smile?
When was the last time you saw 4?
thursday, i didnt go to skewl on friday O: )
Would 3 and 6 make a cute couple?
so cute! *barfs*
Does 8 love you?
u tell me XD
Do you see 3 a lot?
..unfortunately lol
Describe 4 in 3 words?
-rich $.$
What would you buy 1 for their birthday?
a big bowl of nanas-es to throw at the "real" nanas!
Have you traveled anywhere with 5?
um, oh yeah! to rin's house
Do you have fun with 7?
Is 2 a cool person?
the coolest yo
Who is the loudest?
do i count?
Do any of them get on your nerves sometimes?
yes, "i live with a bunch of drama queens" - Kris Jenner of the Kardashians
Do you know when 6's birthday is?
..crap, pass ^^
What do you really think of 3?
i secretly think she's T.I. o.O
Best memory with 4?
walking along the beach, holding hands, watching the beautiful sunset together
Does 1 even know you?
hope so o.o
Is 5 happy?
too happy sometimes XD
Does 7 live close?
oh yeah, she lives in my pondok now
Do you have any classes with 2?
sadly only PJK :' (
Have you and 3 ever hooked up?
maybe one day ;D
Are you and 8 close?
not anymore, he moved to a new house so now hes close to sufie!
Do you wanna kiss 4?
yuck, blagh, eek, barfs, shits, sure why not
Is 6 a good person?
depends on her mood
Does 2 own a car?
maybe, she has alot of cars!
How did you choose your Top 8?
i tag everyone who has been mentioned in this thing
oh and iman too
if u dont do it, then i dont lap u anymore! XD
*still serious*
gettin' drunk with red bull yall
since no one tagged me! =.=
oh except for zaki
but since he didnt do my tag
im not gonna do his ^^
so im only doing this bcause I want to
not bcause of anyone else
lol im so mengada-ngada XD
You've been tagged, and you're supposed to write a note with the "ABC's of Me". At the end, choose people to be tagged. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
A - Age ; not 51 : D
B - Bed size ; queen, but feels like single split into two
C - Chore you hate ; washing other people's dishes *barfs*
D - Dog's name ; benny <3 unless its a girl o.0 then bennita XD
E - Essential start your day item ; my alarm aka my mummy lol
F - Favorite color ; are u like, blind?
G - Gold or Silver ; silver, its the new gold man
H - Height ; 5'3? 5'4? idk
I - Instruments you play(ed) ; pianooo (no further questions please)
J - Job title ; part time student, full time loser
K - Kid(s) ; im not even married yet u pervert!
L - Living arrangements ; wicked apartment, hot ride, cute hubby? lol
M - Mom and dad live near or far ; not far enough
N - Nicknames ; ..pass
O - Overnight hospital stay (other than birth) ; hm, i dont remembuh
P - Pet Peeve ; people burping in my face =.=
Q - Quote from a movie ; "i am an ogre, aaaaaaaaaaaarg!"-donkey, shrek XD
R - Right or left handed ; right baybee
S - Siblings ; 3 younger ones
T - Time you wake up ; whenever
U- Underwear ; what underwear? ;D lmao kiddiiiiing
V - Vegetable you dislike ; soooooo many
W - Ways you run late ; i get a weeeeeeeeeeee bit vain sometimes
X - X-rays you've had ; for ma surgery, and when i swallowed some gum XD
Y - Yummy food you make ; maggi and eggs and maggi with eggs! woo
Z - Zoo favorite ; the buttered corn they sell!!!
oh except for zaki
but since he didnt do my tag
im not gonna do his ^^
so im only doing this bcause I want to
not bcause of anyone else
lol im so mengada-ngada XD
You've been tagged, and you're supposed to write a note with the "ABC's of Me". At the end, choose people to be tagged. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
A - Age ; not 51 : D
B - Bed size ; queen, but feels like single split into two
C - Chore you hate ; washing other people's dishes *barfs*
D - Dog's name ; benny <3 unless its a girl o.0 then bennita XD
E - Essential start your day item ; my alarm aka my mummy lol
F - Favorite color ; are u like, blind?
G - Gold or Silver ; silver, its the new gold man
H - Height ; 5'3? 5'4? idk
I - Instruments you play(ed) ; pianooo (no further questions please)
J - Job title ; part time student, full time loser
K - Kid(s) ; im not even married yet u pervert!
L - Living arrangements ; wicked apartment, hot ride, cute hubby? lol
M - Mom and dad live near or far ; not far enough
N - Nicknames ; ..pass
O - Overnight hospital stay (other than birth) ; hm, i dont remembuh
P - Pet Peeve ; people burping in my face =.=
Q - Quote from a movie ; "i am an ogre, aaaaaaaaaaaarg!"-donkey, shrek XD
R - Right or left handed ; right baybee
S - Siblings ; 3 younger ones
T - Time you wake up ; whenever
U- Underwear ; what underwear? ;D lmao kiddiiiiing
V - Vegetable you dislike ; soooooo many
W - Ways you run late ; i get a weeeeeeeeeeee bit vain sometimes
X - X-rays you've had ; for ma surgery, and when i swallowed some gum XD
Y - Yummy food you make ; maggi and eggs and maggi with eggs! woo
Z - Zoo favorite ; the buttered corn they sell!!!
john legend is pretty cute when he sings
XD well its true!
because he has a unique way of saying the letter "s"
but he shouldnt be muscle-y
he should be all wrapped in layers of coats
like in the music video "everybody knows"
aaaaaw >.<
moving on,
i was onlining earlier but the connection was hella annoying
so as i waited for the connection to get better, i played with the webby!
yeah, never done that before
theeeeen i got bored
i took just one picture and it was with my aunt!
i dont have a picture where its just me and her
so here it is XD
and beware, it is uglay
so dont say i didnt warn ya
because he has a unique way of saying the letter "s"
but he shouldnt be muscle-y
he should be all wrapped in layers of coats
like in the music video "everybody knows"
aaaaaw >.<
moving on,
i was onlining earlier but the connection was hella annoying
so as i waited for the connection to get better, i played with the webby!
yeah, never done that before
theeeeen i got bored
i took just one picture and it was with my aunt!
i dont have a picture where its just me and her
so here it is XD
and beware, it is uglay
so dont say i didnt warn ya
there she is! XD the little head behind the pillow
i am not in such a good mood today
so dont talk to me
unless ur iman, seth or jibul
somehow theyre on my good side for the day
i blame the hot weather and the emptiness in my tummy
darn i have comments
i wonder if puteri's online again
maybe she could reply my comments
so dont talk to me
unless ur iman, seth or jibul
somehow theyre on my good side for the day
i blame the hot weather and the emptiness in my tummy
darn i have comments
i wonder if puteri's online again
maybe she could reply my comments
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