
first bloggieee

oh wow i finally made an account.since everyone has a blogger i couldnt help but make one too, LAME i knw
but i get bored easily when im at home so i neeeed a new pastime
and what better way to past the time by writing about ur life on the internet!
the year 2008 made me realize tht i lyk to write blogs n about me's n poems?

besides writing this blog im..hold that tought OMG its the dude with the hot bod <3
aaah hes on a motorbike! isnt tht cute agaga
ok so back to my blog,
im writing this blog while downloading songs (limewire is so slow,my grandma is way faster) n myspace-ing n stretching
im downloading an elvis song ahah,im just downloading it cause david archuleta sung it yesterday ^^
gah i have back problems and im only 14! and thts not even official x.x
i cant believe im going to be old on the 11th of june the same day i have to pass up my freakin' pjk folio
uhh greaaat the dude who cll-ed me puteri-knows-what sent me a cmnt
hes bummed that i replied by saying hey DUDE

so ntg out of the ordinary happened tday
except when wawa n i were going to the lab kopiko clone 3 annoyed us
he kept on saying hi! hi! hi! hi!
he went on from the ground floor till floor number 2
mybe he knew we were tight with sufie so he wanted to suck up to us or smtg idk
i dont have the mind of a guy,but who wouldnt want to get to know sufie ryte?
uh im talking like u guys know whotheheck sufie is (unless u guys are my friends lol)

ahh great my mum is out,shes sending my annoying brother to school
so that means i have the house all to my self!! for 5 minutes wee =.=''
uww finally my song is finally fully downloaded! yaaaay!
why do i sound so annoying all of the sudden?
oh well i have to go now since theres no use onlining when the internet is so damn slow
*fyi,its bcause tmnet hates me*

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