

omg i nvr knew tht my future is already set up
god i dnt evn knw wht im going to be when i grow up
but my dad knws wht im going to be
..an accountant

he said tht when i finish studying in a U
i'll directly go to work at his company or companies?!
or mybe own them?! since the age difference between me and my brother is lyk 4 years
so i'll own all of em?! then when hes ready to work i'll give one of em to him?
omg my life is already ready fr me

but i am so nt

so lyk my dad told me he hs 5 companies
i so didnt knw tht
and he says tht he'll give one of us each
but thr are only 4 of us
and y is he so sure tht all of us would wnt to become accountants?

ths is so scary
i dnt evn knw if i wnt to be a boss
lyk i wont have any experience
then bam! im the boss

tht does sound cool aye
but its soo nt

wht if i screw up then bam! the company goes hay wire
and it'll be my fault

my dads company
the one he built up himself frm ntg! na da!!
and i dnt wnt to risk killing it
sheesh pressure much

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