
im home!

im back from malacca!
gah it's sorta good to be home
but it wasnt like i was home sick or anything
i rarely get home sick
but i do get sick of home sometimes, lol

now im at my atuk's house
i just watched mission impossible 3 again cause there was nothing good on
and now im TRYING to sign into myspace
but i cant even open the damn home page

it's raining outside
it's just starting to rain so it's not that heavy
..until now

gah noone's online
how torchering

and apparently put knows how K feels about her now
told ya he liked ya!
but i didnt see the liking SA more part
but i was still right!

hmm where is everyone?!


Salty saliva said...

tp sayang,
he likes SA more
and they're gonna get married

lol im fine with tht

fara roars; said...

ala sayang,
they wont last
like every other gal he had

and when theyre over
u'll be there to comfort him ^^
god this sounds lyk a tv show!

Salty saliva said...

tht will nvr happen
and life isn't like a tv show
life is unfair
tv shows are always fair

im over him anyways :D

fara roars; said...

not all tv shows are fair
ross still xdpt rachel!

im pretty addicted to friends as u cn see XD

Salty saliva said...

but life's unfair-er

err, sorry i dont watch friends

nt a fan

RenPoole said...

o.o" woah! is that true?!?!
my eyes don't lie rite?!

NN rocks; said...

K' sewel.

fara roars; said...

put: *GASP*
rin: wtf? what are ur eyes saying sayang?
nu: DUH