
'FUN' facts

Facts that I wished my own father knew about me
Dear daddy, I wish you're reading
..okay no, I just wish you knew these things so you'll annoy me less


I HATE DURIANS, so stop offering me durians! I will forever say NOOOOO
You would know this if you were at atuk's place the day I ate tons of durians and got a major tummy ache
and I was pooping like crazy (lmao)


One way to shut me up; CAR RIDES
The only reason I dont really chat with peeps in the car because I just dont talk during car rides
So dont go on and thinking Im hostile
Car rides are just realxing and I just wanna stare outside the window

Okay, that's all Ive got so far
Meheh XD
My day today was exactly like Puteri's actually o.o
Me, my sister (Alia) and my dad went out
Only she went to KLCC and I went to Pavi

One of them had Chepta hair and I was like O.O
But he was cute ..but too social blagh
The other guy looked like Ralph
Only way cuter cause he had like messy hair

We went to Paul Frank which is kinda like my very own Toys R Us XD
Went kind of overboard with the RM50 voucher and just ended up buying more stuff XDD
But atleast I got a free bag! (that is effin indie)
And most importanly I got my hoodie so yay me ^^

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