LOL had nothing better to do
Doda *coughforcedcough* me to blog so Imma blog for awhile
Despite the 5 hour time difference..
I think my flight is at 12 or 12.30
stopped asking mummy things cause shes all worked up
like my dad LOL but it was really funny to watch
he was in a rush to go to tesco but he kept forgetting to tell me things
so he unlocked the door again about 3 times then FINALLY he left XD
Imma be real bored at the airport since my ipod's all effed up : |
can I like rent somebody's ipod?! X.X
Ah well, Ill entertain myself with ..the cool golf carts airport people ride!
OMG everytime I go to an airport Ill ask my dad for one XD
It has to be cheaper than a kancil riiiight?
Plus its gonna be my sweet sixteen soon *bats eye lashes*
Im torn between asking for an ipod touch or a shopping spree
HMMMMMM if I shop then I could get some sneakers AND a new watch
since my old one is like lost x.x
I havent worn it in over 2 weeks man
Oh hyper me, I havent even bathed yet wee
I guess Ill be celebrating OUR birthday in Turkey
Me and Aimy that is
She wants a nintendo wii -.-
Since Turkey is knowned for their kebabs my birthday cake will probably be a kebab?
AWESOME I love kebabs!
And idk if they really do have turkeys
If they do have em then Ill goreng masak sambal one for u rin!
And get Jash and Aidid belly dancers..
And I forgot who asked for the carpet, oh well
Okay, Im not even done packing so yeah Imma go bathe now
Ciao people!
I mean .. allahaısmarladık? THE F MAN XD
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