Well I think its about time to make a top ten hottie list of 09!
So here goes, the guys I craved in 09!
1- This one is a no brainer, of course, the one and only, BRENDON BOYD URIE <3

3- Tae Yang .....he's so sexy omagad I cant help it XD

4- Ricardo Kaka, the only athlete I have EVER cared about lol

he's blind, I'm blind, aww chemistry ;D
5- Hayden Christensen

6- Kevin Wu! aka Kevjumba hee he's so funny

7- I love funny Asians meheh, Ryan Higa!

8- Aladdin, yes Aladdin, hes real to me okay?!

9- John Mayer, I lap u and ur songs man

10- James Marsden, yeah the dude from 27 Dresses, he has a charming smile :3

And a few that didnt quite make the cut (cehXD)
- Teddy Geiger, I only love his songs now : |
- Nelson Mandela! lol
- Enrique Iglesias, why do u have to be so old x.x
- Ryan Ross, thats what u get for leaving Brendon! Traitor! but I still think ur kinda cute XD
- James Mcavoy, too short tsk tsk x.x
kevjumba is -_- nvm
ryan is better
aaaaaaaand what the hell!? aladin!?
And abt you liking Taeyang iz not my fault! XD
woo and look at his abs XD
lmao im insane
it iz it iz! and mtv's fault
and aisya's fault
mostly urs XD
tae yang.. who the f?
LMAO hes seksi okay XD
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