Your Name- Farah Amirah
Nicknames- Fara Fafa Fawwa Faraball Fagha Fra Eff
Birthday- 11th june
~*HAVE YOU??*~
Been kissed?- hihihi
Eaten an entire box of Oreos?- where i come from, we use platic o.o
Been on stage?- standard six, good times XD
Gotten in a car accident?- nope
Death Valley on horseback?- i wouldnt say DEATH
Stayed home?- duh -.-? i aint homeless yo
Made homemade fudge?- poopie?
Seen the Eiffel tower?- : (
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?- Aladdin <3
Do you have a crush on someone- a rempit XD
Do you have a best friend?- plenty
Do you rank your speed dial in order of favorite friends?- no speed dial
Who’s your funniest friend?- hmm, i cant pick o.o
Who do you go to the mall with the most?- aisya? lol
Who do you e-mail the most?- i dont e-mail yo
Who have you known the longest of your friends?- nurina amir ^^
Who’s the loudest?- shasha anuar XD
Who’s the shyest?- semua tak tau malu -.-
Whose parents do you know the best?- nunu's duh
Who do you go to for advice?- all of em
Who knows all your secrets?- currently, jashveer bedi >: D
Who do you get the most surveys from?- doda? maybe?
Who are you jealous of?- all of them pretty smart arses
Who do you cry with?- all of them emo arses XD
What is your usual quote?- I BELIIIIIEVE I CAN FLY?
Cried?- no
Helped someone?- pssh me? yeah right! XDDD
Bought something?- no x.x
Dissected something?- a kuih >: D
Cut your hair?- no
Worn a skirt?- do school uniforms count?
Worn a tie?- no unfortunately
Been mean?- 0: )
Been sarcastic?- 0: D
Gone for a run?- i be too kool to run
Gone for a walk?- no, my peeples carry me
Gone to the movies?- POKEMON!
Gone out for dinner?- nooope
Been kissed?- nuh uh
Felt stupid?- yeah huh
Said “I love you”?- love is a myth
Watched your favorite movie?- POKEMON!
Talked to someone you have a crush on?- no : | XD
Given someone a present?- nope
Missed someone?- yes
Hugged someone?- i dont remember?
Had a nightmare?- i havent slept yet
Fought with your parents?- nope, i iz good child
Fought with a friend?- damn questions keep trying to make me feel guilty or something?!??!??!?!?
Been Scared?- no
Are you ready for this survey to end?- homigawd yes =.=!
How long did this survey take you?- forever
*Do you want all your friends to do this and send back?- ^-^
WELL YOU’RE NOT DONE!!!…., i didnt see this coming
Type of sandwich: sardiiiiine
Coffee or hot chocolate?- chocolate
Cold or hot? weather?- cold
Big or little?- o.O?
Lace or satin?- lace? ftw
Red or blue?- uh red
New or old?- ftw ftw ftw
Here or there?- everywhere